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Our Approach

Give Space is passionate about the importance of mental health and emotional well-being, providing creative psychotherapy that is bespoke to best meet individual's needs. Give Space are dedicated to working in a holistic and empathetic way, with a person-centred approach. Our vision is to be advocates, providing space and creative support through flexible and responsive mental health services.


Give Space are dedicated to working empathetically with a person centred and non-judgemental approach, working reflectively and delivering interventions in collaborations with organisations to be best placed to meet the needs of people we work with. Click here to see how Give Space can benefit you or someone you care about. The versatility of drama and movement psychotherapy means we are especially well placed to reach clients who previously have not engaged with therapeutic or other support services.


As practitioners we deliver both independently and in partnership, depending on client need. Being a team means we have the capacity to operate within existing institutions in a more independent way whilst also providing opportunities for regular collaboration with other services, professionals and multidisciplinary teams. Being a team also allows us to reach a wider client group. We believe offering our services in this way is a crucial part of what sets Give Space apart. Give Space welcomes conversations around what you or your organisations' needs are and how we can work together in a bespoke way to help support those needs. We want to bring high quality services, with a flexible approach to meet these needs. 

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